ReviewingWriting is an independent review service. We provide detailed reviews of academic writing companies available in the market. With this information in mind, you have more chances to make the right buying decision.
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- Price from $16
- Discount 5%
- Deadline 6h
- The 123 Help Me writing service has a rather unique premise. Instead of hiring a dedicated academic writer to complete your next assignment, here you can access a database of ready-made essays written and uploaded to the website by other students or freelance writers. So is it really a good source of academic writing help or are you in for a disappointment?
- 123HelpMe has been working in the essay writing industry for over 7 years, but there are not too many direct competitors of the service in the business. The reason for that is that 123 Help Me does not actually do any writing services for its customers. There is no 123HelpMe free essay number you can call and receive your custom paper before the deadline.
- What you can do at 123 Essay is download and read other people’s essays. There are hundreds of essays on many topics. All essays are graded by their quality: you can choose anything from a free essay to a powerful essay. The service provides access to term papers and research papers. Moreover, you can test your paper for plagiarism and writing quality.
Free essays 01
There are some essays on 123 Help Me that are available free of charge, but they have a limited scope of topics and the quality of writing is not good enough for most students. -
Paid essays 02
These essays have been reviewed by the 123 Help Me moderators and marked with appropriate badges. You will need a paid membership to access these essays. -
Grammar checker 03
With this feature, you can upload the text of the paper you have just written into their word processor and have the grammar mistakes, wrong word choice, and other problems with the text highlighted. -
Plagiarism checker 04
If you have written a paper yourself and are now worried that it may not be original enough to pass the plagiarism test at your school, you can run it through the 123 Help Me plagiarism checker.
The price of $29.99 per month for access to the essay database seems too steep to us, but it would be completely justifiable if the quality of the papers was at an appropriate level. Unfortunately, that is not the case with 123 Help Me. The essays published on the website are hardly worthy of the access price for one simple reason: the quality of writing is nowhere near college level, and even high school students normally write better than that.
The most common reason why we found the papers at 123HelpMe to lack quality is the word choice problems. There are some very specific requirements to the vocabulary use in high school and college written assignments, but those requirements are rarely met by the 123 Help Me Papers. The topic selection of 123HelpMe papers seems very wide at first glance, but if you have a relatively rare assignment topic, you may have a hard time finding a matching paper here.


After studying numerous 123HelpMe reviews, we have concluded that this website is rather controversial in terms of public opinion. A small part of the customers actually finds the service to be rather useful. These customers enjoyed the opportunity to download the essays and found the quality of the papers rather adequate. However, there are not too many satisfied 123 Help Me customers, as the majority of the reviews of the service are negative.
The customers who decided to pay for a 123HelpMe membership were not too happy with the service for three reasons. The first is the lack of topic diversity on the website — the scope of papers is rather limited. The second reason is the questionable quality of writing that does not match the advertised level of the papers. Finally, the third reason why 123 Help Me is not a popular option is that the papers are written and donated by regular students and not professional writers, which means there is no real customer support, communication with the writer, or personalized approach.